The Mystical marriage,
The balance between the inner man and the Vwoman

In a balanced personality, both parts of the Psyché, animus (male) can be
and Anima (feminine), both manifest themselves freely in consciousness and in the behavior.
Through education, and the standards imposed by our society on the
However, ‘ masculinity ‘ or ‘ femininity ‘ is sometimes developed and not the other one.
Many people live thereby or predominantly in the female pole or predominantly in the
Male pole. You can also deny a pool in yourself, as a man sometimes
Feminine, sensitive properties does not want to show to the outside world, or a woman
does not dare to stand up.
By working with the male and female pool, you become aware when you
One-sided, in a single pole, in duality and allow you to exist simultaneously, the

In all of our lives so two seemingly contrasting principles, you could
The masculine and feminine principle. In other words, every man has female
and masculine energy. The letting of the two poles in US creates
Possibilities, as a birth process, which may create something new and enable us to
Are the highest potential to get out of ourselves.
The special thing about the time we now live is that both principles, the masculine and the
Female, to meet in the middle. A mutual understanding arises between
The male principle and the feminine principle and by that mutual understanding will
Respect grows for ourselves and for the other. This creates a world that is in balance
Lives with himself, a world that expresses the divine power.

Polarity instead of duality: the Poles exist next to each other in you.

The feminine energy is the earth, the uterus, from which everything is born. In its
Darkness grows nothing to anything. She is the life, the atthe, she flows. She has no
Purpose, no direction; She moves, she flows.
Women who are predominantly in the female pool are characterised by their rich
Fantasy world, their creativity and their intuitive ability. But they also characterize themselves
Because of their inability to give hands and feet on this earth and their
Inability to set boundaries and really ‘ stand for themselves ‘. The vulnerable
Female side lacks the protection of a balanced male side as it were.
The masculine energy is connected to the sky. He is pure consciousness, focus, stability;
The compassionate detachment, which invites to push boundaries and to
are. He is purposeful and clear.
However, men who are predominantly in the male pool are recognizable by their
Magnified rational ability without basis in the feeling. They have a greater power
Structuring, reasoning and boundaries, but lack the nuance of a
Emotional side.
Plus and plus repel each other. Min and Min too. The beauty of the man and woman is now precisely the
Polarity between both.

Polarity instead of duality: the Poles exist next to each other in you.

The masculine and feminine in you can also complement each other beautifully. The
Inner man protects with his strength the inner woman. The inner woman can
To feel safe.
If your masculine and your feminine side are present together in you, then we speak
of balance between giving and receiving, being with yourself. The mystical marriage adds something
What was apart together, your husband and wife merge. If the male and female in
You are exactly equal and love each other, you become a channel for universal love.
Give both energies a place again, in yourself. Contribute to balance in the world: make
Knowledge with your inner man and inner woman!
As soon as you can distinguish between female and male energy, the
Easier to use them on the one hand when you need them, and on the other
To be completely yourself instead of living according to restrictive energy patterns that you
are going to assume.
If you become friends with both poles, if you can recognize when one or the other
Distortion, and if you can see what their healthy expression is, then you are quite in
The feminine energy has been suppressed for centuries. Masculine energy has become the norm.
But the feminine energy is becoming more and more available, and the mission now, for
Both women and men, to love and honor her, and to emits, so that also the
Male energy can take its place again, next to her, as the loving presence
He is. Both want only one thing: to meet and become one.